On October 3, DANSK IT, the ECDL National Operator in Denmark, had a call for action meeting for a national open learning platform for digital competences for a wide range of key stakeholders in Denmark (trade unions, business organisations and publ
The initiative was well received, and the first sponsors have signed up. However, there is still some way to go to achieve broad support and a critical mass to launch such a large and ambitious project.
The ambition of ‘IT for All’ is to develop an intelligent solution with a ‘Dynamic Competency Barometer’ as a starting point. Here, citizens can assess their own digital skills and quickly uncover their competence gaps and how to train and strengthen their skills.
To get large-scale national volume, the plan is to offer a free ‘digital citizens light’ module, which aims at providing citizens with access to assessment and adaptive training as a seamless experience in order to navigate the digital infrastructure that we now expect the citizen to use, including national digital services.
All relevant actors and organisations are responsible for ensuring the digital skills of the Danish population in the years to come. It is crucial to strengthen the digital skills of all Danish citizens in all professions in order to ensure Denmark as a strong digital nation.